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Center for Psychology and Social Change Inc.

And mail to:
John Mack Institute
PO Box 909
Boulder CO 80306

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Our Federal Tax ID information, which you may wish to retain for your records, is:

Center for Psychology and Social Change Inc.
Our Federal ID number is 042864296

Frequently asked Questions

Q: Why isn’t the name of your organization “John Mack Institute”?
A: John Mack Institute is a d/b/a (“doing business as”) of the Center for Psychology and Social Change. The John Mack Institute and the Center for Psychology and Social Change are one and the same. It is easier for an organization to file a d/b/a than to file a name change. There are no hidden activities of the Center for Psychology and Social Change – our entire operation is the John Mack Institute.

Q: Can you provide a more detailed history of the 501c3 status of the organization?
A: Certainly.

  • Prior to becoming a 501c3 organization in 1985, activities existed under the auspices of Harvard Medical School.
  • 1985-06-06: 501c3 non-profit organization established under the name Nuclear Psychology Program Inc.
  • 1986-12-16: Name changed to Center for Psychological Studies in the Nuclear Age Inc.
  • 1992-04-27: Name changed to Center for Psychology & Social Change Inc.
  • 1993-2003: d/b/a of Program for Extraordinary Experience Research (PEER) existed during duration of PEER’s activity.
  • 2004-06-01: d/b/a of John E. Mack Institute added; organization name remains Center for Psychology & Social Change Inc.

Q: Why do you have an address in Boulder, Colorado if your organization’s 501c3 is filed with the Commonwealth of Massachusetts?
A: Following the death of Dr. John Mack in September 2004, the board decided to reduce overhead by eliminating our office (which was located in Massachusetts) and to have the board members run the organization directly rather than through employees. Our chairperson, Daniel Mack, lives in Boulder, Colorado. Therefore we route most of our postal mail to PO Box 909, Boulder CO 80306, though we rarely utilize postal mail. In fact most of our communication is done online.

Without a physical office in any particular location, our overhead costs are kept to a minimum; bank fees, post office fees, website presence fees, legal fees, and tax preparation fees are kept to only several hundred of dollars per year, and board members do not receive any compensation, enabling us to direct the majority of your donation to our Projects.

Q: Can I specify to which Project my donation is disbursed to?
A: Disbursement of donations is decided by the Board of Directors. However, if you are interested in making a substantial donation towards a particular Project, please contact us to discuss possibilities.

Q: Do you still receive funding from Laurence Rockefeller or a Rockefeller foundation?
A: No. Laurence Rockefeller passed away in 2004 several months before Dr. John Mack passed away, and he never meant for his generous contributions (which were instrumental in creating our best-known project, PEER) to be perpetual. We are grateful to him and to all the donors who have made our work possible.