John E. Mack: A Portrait

Stéphane Allix, INREES

[This article is not yet available in English]

Stéphane Allix a rencontré John Mack en 2003. Cet éminent psychiatre américain qui inspirera la création de l’INREES, est le premier spécialiste en santé mentale à s’être intéressé sérieusement aux personnes prétendant avoir été « enlevées par des extraterrestres ».

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Alien Thinking

by Angela Hind, Pier Productions

BBC News, June 8, 2005

Not many scientists are prepared to take tales of alien abduction seriously, but John Mack, a Harvard professor who was killed in a road accident in north London last year, did. Ten years on from a row which nearly lost him his job, hundreds of people who claim they were abducted still revere him.

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Messengers from the Unseen

by John E. Mack, M.D., Class of ’51

Oberlin Alumni Magazine, Fall 2002
Vol. 98, No. 2

If someone out there is trying to warn us, shouldn’t we make an attempt to listen?

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Dr. John Mack at the Seven Stars Bookstore

Harvard psychiatrist and Pulitzer Prize-winning biographer John E. Mack, M.D., spoke at the Seven Stars book store in his hometown of Cambridge, Massachusetts, earlier this spring (March 2000). Dr. Mack talked about his new book, Passport to the Cosmos, and shared where his journey has taken him in his understanding of the relationship between alien encounters and human transformation.

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