Remembrance of John E. Mack, M.D.: Gurucharan Singh Khalsa

by Gurucharan Singh Khalsa, Ph.D.

Dear Friends,

I write this with deep sadness and tears at John’s passing and with even deeper appreciation to know and love him during his life. My prayers and support go to each of you.

I received the news while in our annual international meetings here in New Mexico. I could not continue the meeting.

I asked all participants — yogis and tachers from every continent — to stop with me. We chanted a powerful sound, one I had taught John years ago, that awakens and guides the soul in passing. It was a tangibly potent, respectful and quiet space. I am sure our prayers join those of the thousands of other souls he has touched in his life. My own spiritual teacher would say that when we pass through the short transition of death the only clothing we wear are the ones woven from the fabric of kindness we spun in our life and stitched together by the tears of the spirits we inspired. So I know he is well clad.

For over twenty years we shared moments of creativity and inspiration in our talks together. Always a blend of vision, heart, philosophy and practical actions.

He often said I acted as a spiritual guide so he added 22 years to my age so he could speak to an elder. It became a running chuckle between us.

One thing we did was share writings and poems from time to time. Here is one I wrote that I wish to share:

We stand before the Infinite
At One with being just one

At first all is a journey
Until gradually, like a perfect dawn
we become the destination

We admit the visit of the spirit
We open to the limitless in our sweet, timorous way
We get busy preparing our mind and body to welcome

The intrusion of the subtle
The kiss of the Divine
The reality of that embrace
In the earthy tangle of each moment

Then it is done
There is a ripening ecstasy and calm
That finds a friend in every atom and movement
Of this universe

We are finally home
In love
In humility
In our timeless body that knows no bounds.

He and I would enjoy these types of sentiments together.

In our Sikh Tradition the way we honor a person of respect and love is to do a continuous three day prayer — three 24 hours continuous. I am sponsoring such an event here in New Mexico in our most sacred spot over the next few days.

I am with you all in this time.


MSS Gurucharan Singh Khalsa

Gurucharan S. Khalsa, Ph.D. is recognized internationally as an expert in the application of meditation and Kundalini yoga. He trains therapists to use meditation effectively, is director of training for Kundalini yoga teachers, maintains a broad counseling practice for 25 years and is an author, professor and researcher. He bridges the perspectives of east and west, of the heart and science and of the personal and the transpersonal.