by Christopher Lydon
Originally aired February 29, 1996 on The Connection.
This interview was likely conducted during Nova’s visit to the PEER offices on April 25, 1995. The Nova special itself was televised on PBS on February 27, 1996.
Originally published on the website of The Crop Circle Connector, July 19, 1994
This interview is presented primarily because Dr. Mack’s relaxation technique is discussed in some depth, both by Mack himself and by an experiencer – Peter from the chapter “Peter’s Journey”.
Jim Bohannon: Welcome to the Jim Bohannon Show and good evening, all. It’s good to have you with us on what was almost a rainy night here in the nation’s Capitol, not a terribly rainy night, but at least one that gave a little bit of pause as to what might be dropping from the sky.
“Nobody could have been more surprised than I was that the book aroused so much interest,” claims Harvard psychiatrist John E. Mack. Seated in his modest office in the Cambridge Hospital, where he has been affiliated with the department of psychiatry for over 25 years, he defends himself against those who have said that the man who won a Pulitzer Prize in 1977 for his biography of T.E. Lawrence (A Prince of Our Disorder, Little, Brown, 1976) has succumbed to the lure of sensationalism and big money with Abduction: Human Encounter with Aliens, published this month by Scribners (Nonfiction Forecasts, Feb. 7). Of his advance Mack says only that “it’s been one of the more interesting publishing experiences in my life. I’m used to the publisher saying, ‘We’ll take a chance. Here’s $5000. Go to it.’ Apparently this book touches some kind of nerve.”
John Mack discusses past lives and dual identity in relation to alien encounters, in this excerpt from a June 27, 1993 interview
John Mack still remembers the conversation he had with Carl Sagan, back in the 1960s. Mack, a Harvard psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, was intrigued by talk of UFOs and wanted to hear Sagan’s thoughts on the subject, which had been the focus of a recent, well-publicized government inquiry.
“Sagan had had something to do with the Condon Committee, which had reviewed the whole question of UFOs,” recalls Mack, “and he said, with great authority, ‘There’s nothing to it. There’s no substance to it.’ Well, Carl was an authority figure to me, a prominent scientist and a friend, so I let it go.”
In this NPR interview, Harvard professor of psychiatry John E. Mack, M.D. discusses the possible reality of alien encounters while a professor of journalism at UC Berkley, Timothy Ferris, Ph.D., discounts them. David M. Jacobs, Ph.D., appears later in the program to discuss the history of UFOs.
After the blows to egocentrism of Copernicus, Darwin and Freud, the myth of rationality in the conduct of relations between nation states remains – a last bastion of man’s collective narcissism.
— John E. Mack, MD
Mack Retraces 12 Years of Research for T.E. Lawrence Biography